Revolution — Preach Chelsea!

My girl ….

She gets it.

She is soooooooo many of us out there — women who get this deeply:

“It is important to KNOW when you don’t have the skills (or just plain ole don’t want) – to raise a baby. Instead of SHAMING people you SHOULD say – ‘Oh good. Good for you — for knowing that you shouldn’t have a baby. You should get a carbon credit for not polluting the mass population.”

YES. ‘Cause we do deserve kudos. And cash.

And this had me shouting — with my girl:

Like Chelsea: We have fun with ourselves. And we don’t want kids. Simple.

“I have never been more confident in my life decision making skills — in remaining childless and alone… I have never been alone for two weeks in my life. I had never had a clue about how much I enjoyed the pleasure of my own company.”



We women who CHOOSE to be alone GET A LOT OF... WORDS. THOUGHTS. FEEDBACK. And sympathy? Miss me with all that…

Like Chelsea: We have fun with ourselves. And we don’t want kids. Simple.

We love Chels so hard, and the special is chock-a-block with funny bits (manspainin anyone?). I'm bringing up the lack of offspring because a TikTok  I posted recently got SO MANY bitter comments from pissed off women — whaa? —  and a few dudes. “You will die alone desperate in a nursing home” “how can you possibly say motherhood is not for you when you haven’t tried it.” And on and on. Why? In the Year of Our Beyonce 2023? Aren't we moving beyond the binary? Why oh why can’t these three conversations — the pleasure of childlessness and the pleasure of parenting— the pleasure of a solo life — coexist?  F*** THIS. 'Cause in the end, all this vitriol and judgment is just another way to hate women and parents and families and it's horseshit.

To recap — having no kids: glorious. Having kids — glorious. Chelsea: Mutherf*cking glorious.  It's not pie, there's plenty of gloriousness for everyone my pretties.