The Baby Editor — Moi
The Podcast.
The inspiration. VIVA in the 70s.
My inspiration. VERVE.
OK. OK. I’m always late to the party — ‘cause it’s been out a few months. But here we go. For any broad who has NOT heard of the steamy podcast STIFFED by Jenn Romolini — you gotta tune in — it’s so damn juicy. STIFFED is about the making of VIVA, an erotic magazine FOR WOMEN. Published by Bob Guccione (I know I know.)
I finished it up this weekend lying around on hammocks, blasting Donna Summers and sipping vodka tonics. Perf.
VIVA meant ALL to me. Out in the 70s — my awakening. The podcast tells the story of the scrappy feminists who put it together — the work, the ambition — and the HOT CONCEPT: flipping the coin. WOMEN want sex — WOMEN have desires, WOMEN have power and brains — give us those radical ideas — and while we’re at it: SHOW US SOME D**KS!
It brought many raunchy memories back — along with my OWN work, power and drive.
In the late 90s I created a magazine very much based on this idea. A feminist rag that celebrated US — REAL broads — lots of humor — feminism — and sex. I called it VERVE. We never got up the money for a launch — but that prototype ROCKED. So much fun — so many ideas — working on it with baby geniuses — now grown up geniuses Stella Bugbee, Laura Eisman, Corey Root …
“VIVA meant ALL to me. Out in the 70s — my awakening.”
Last image is our logo and first proto cover. Ummm, very much “influenced” by VIVA ey?
Now, 30 some odd years later — creating the platform Glorious Broads, I realized listening to this fucking fabulous podcast (I sound like you Jen) — we are kinda doing VERVE — kinda influenced by VIVA — with the fine art of aging a huge component — and DEFINITELY for grown ass women.
An excellent lead-in to THANK ALL OF OUR NEW GOREOUS NEW FOLLOWERS on our Instagram page I must say…
We find these Glorious unconventional Broads on the streets of NYC — having plenty to say — about sex, about life, about age — and how it might POSSIBLY the best time of their lives.
Thanks to STIFFED for stirring up these memories — just what formed the broad I am today — one with a mission — and still a fine appreciation for a bulging crotch. Do note the images.