Leaving – happy/sad
Sometimes you just need to take time off from all things Social. Four days, deep in the woods. I went to celebrate the life and times of my Big Glorious Broad Sis, D, who had the nerve to leave us in November. There were six of us: me, two sisters and three of her best pals. Wasn't expecting to enter a ghostly, mystical space, but that’s where I’ve been .
First night: We sailed around in a small vessel (ok, tiny vessel) — her Bestie as captain. There were bag pipes which usually — barf — but somehow they WORKED. A fierce thunderstorm blew up — but we REFUSED to abandon ship (go ahead, D, off us). Second night — we basked in the gorgeous hazy glow of her promised full moon. Third night: a god damn spectacular rainbow directly over her now desolate dock — reminding us of the debaucheries from our past. Then a mommy marbled duck (my Sis's fave) and her four babies appeared around our dinghy — chock full of booze and her favorite drunkards. Us. Last night: unexpected but delightful fireworks (not ours) and a final send off — (ours) — the release of a midnight blue Japanese lantern containing ashes (hers) that lifted further and further and further into the heavens till — poof — D was gone.
“A mommy marbled duck (my Sis’s fave) and her four babies appeared around our dinghy — chock full of booze and her favorite drunkards. Us”
And it was over. Happy. Broken-hearted. Invigorated. We toasted.
On that final night, her Bestie asked us: “I don’t mean to be a Debbie Downer, but will you ever return?” .
How could we without D? .
But we did leave her initials carved in her dock: DFW
After a quick selfie it was time for our GIRL GANG to depart the magic, return to reality. Sure hope D sends us more messages from beyond — maybe the next time we find a Glorious Brigadoon ...