Kristen and Phoebe — nailing it!
My vote for the #emmy - PHOEBE WALLER-BRIDGE in Fleabag.
Did y’all see the scene between Phoebe (Fleabag) and KRISTEN SCOTT THOMAS (Belinda) - So sexy. So real… .
Set up: A posh bar, powerful Belinda and quirky Fleabag.
Fleabag: How old are you?
Belinda: 58. You?
Fleabag: 33.
Belinda: Don’t worry. It does get better. .
Fleabag: Promise?
And then … Belinda’s martini infused theory on aging, power, women…trying it out on our girl:
Belinda: “Women are born with pain – it’s all goin’ on IN HERE ... (pointing toward her body) We have pain on a cycle YEAR after YEAR after YEAR— and just when you feel your making peace with it all — the fucking MENOPAUSE happens — and then (long pause)— you are FREEEE — no longer a slave no longer a machine with parts — now you are simply a person - a person in business.
Fleabag: I heard it was horrendous.
Belinda: It is horrendous. And then it’s magnificent.
“We have pain on a cycle YEAR after YEAR after YEAR— and just when you feel your making peace with it all — the fucking MENOPAUSE happens ”
What I loved the most about this conversation (as it goes on) is Belinda saying: yes, it is powerful to be on this side — magnificent - but you miss things. Some things. Go out and seize the day you gorgeous juicy 30 something: flirt with the unknown. Flirt with the night. Flirt with strangers. The only part I miss about being here.
My jaw dropped watching this scene. You just KNEW this was written by a woman. Sexy, funny, incredibly poignant — and while, there wasn’t an ounce of regret in Belinda — there was nostalgia. It’s real. But that was it. Just her facts after a few drinks. Movin on...
If you haven’t seen it: season 2 episode 3. 11:31 – 13:19. Fucking brilliant. @These two Glorious Broads get REAL and can they ACT ...