Thump, thump, thump went my heart strings …
I came across this obit about 6 years ago — and something about the life, the chutzpah, the unconventional who-gives-a-shit attitude …
She is exactly who I wanted to be at 87. Except for the dead part.
Scootin’ around on her badass motorcycle, writing sexy-pansexual memoirs in the 70s — helloooo. Living up in the Catskills with a village joint on the side. Opinionated as hell.
And this obit quote:
“Hancox spent her whole life breaking the rules — an avid motorcyclist, dabbled in mountain climbing, piloted airplanes and lived a rich, full life after leaving fashion. She published a ‘racy’ (oh how I love this word) novel “To Mine Own Selves Be True” and was named the best independent published book of the year. (Must have been juicy!) Kabbalah and art became her passions in her 80s.” (Before Madonna y’all.)
The obit ends with her quote: “I’ve always been outspoken — and that’s what made me a good columnist — I was fearless.”
So, thank you Clara — for being my COOL AF MUSE!!! My icon for all the Glorious Broads that have followed.
You spoke to me.