Is it all just #dejavu?
I am wondering.
Maybe I've just #seenitall at this point in my life? (naaaaaa)
What's bringing this up? #decembervogue
Used to love print fashion mags. And I used to buy a lot of stuff.
Now I don’t. Buy much stuff …
Or magazines. But with my J.Lo on the cover — I couldn’t resist.
We start strong with Jenny from the Block, and the ever luminous Beyonce graces the back cover. But as I leaf through .... snore. One tall thin white ingénue after another. What year is it??
Getdafuckouttaheah with this lack of #diversity? All stick thin. I guess #bodypositive is over? Annnnd all 16-18ish. I guess #silvermodel is over, too?
A couple of features are interesting — some sapphic love — OK, so I am in 2022. Only willowy white girls are pictured mind you, but — they do know how to tell a story.
And the ads: Ralph’s models … looking so Ralph. Prada (LOVE) features a young thang — styled as a girl in deep need of guidance. Valentino — didn’t we go through this cool look in the 70’s? We did. Lauder selling “serum” via a 13-year-old sans dark circles. Miracle!. And 36-year-old Amanda Seyfried re-re-retouched to unrecognizableland.
Hold up! Julia Roberts on the inside back cover??? Weirdly retouched into a skinny alien version of her already skinny self. What happened to #retouch? We ARE back in the 90s.
“Arrrrrrgh. I am done with this rag. And pissed again”
Fed up with what felt like at the time these important SHIFTS away from all whiteness, and away from women-hating retouching, and away from fat phobia, and away from ageist bullshit... From all of those just becoming hashtags — that vanish. Why isn’t this shit changing? And when it starts to change — why doesn’t it keep moving FORWARD.
Cover: Been there.
Valentino: Done that.
Prada: Duh.
Estée Lauder: She’s 15. You don’t get dark circles.
Amanda: I swear I didn’t even recognize her.
Features: Oh shut up.
Julia: I’m scared.
I'm #overit -- You?
In fact: I put this up on IG. And got lots and lots and lots of other OVERIT comments. Yea! I’m hoping for a bunch of GenZ’ers who will embrace this new world — some exist. No doubt. But I mean seeing the change at Vogue. Oh please ….