I know Madonna was the obsession of last week. But this is about RIHANNA and Madonna. And Cher. And — ta dah — Mae West.
And ageism.
I want to share a memory of my very early days as an art director — and blatant ageism and misogyny I was too clueless to see. Or feel. Or say NO to participating in.
At Esquire, in early 90s, I assigned an illustration to a male artist — create a double page spread of Madonna at 65 (which seemed ancient to me and the rest of the young buck staff.) The artist sent me the painting (yes, painting) and I relished giving him feedback: “Make her tits hang more — give her a crinkled paunch and lots more sag around the thighs she’s so proud of.” etc. etc. etc.
“I think the boys were scared shit-less of the power and sexuality of Madonna. And we all did our best to take Madonna down”
I cringe when I remember the glee I took. Cause this was not a realistic portrait of an aging Madonna. It was done with spite, with meanness. I think the boys were scared shit-less of the power and sexuality of Madonna. And we all did our best to take Madonna down — at the mere thought of … ageing.
Yesterday, watching Rihanna at half time — lapping up her power, sensuality, mama-hood— I couldn’t help but wonder (oh that again SJP) — would any young broad today conform to the big boss who shall remain nameless — and assign this sexist art chock full of ageist misogyny — and get satisfaction bringing Rihanna down?
We have turned a page.
Or have we?
Yeah. I am disappointed Madonna is not growing older the way I would have liked her to. But. It’s none of my business. If she wants to look Alien — go for it girl.
I think of Cher and all the shit she got when she wouldn’t “age gracefully” (a term I abhor): "If I want to put my tits on my back, it's nobody's business but my own.”
Madonna is our Mae West. And that brilliant artist did not go gracefully into the night. All sex. No shame. No apologies.
Whether it’s Cher, or Madonna, Mae or Rihanna as she ages — and she will age — let’s turn the page and support these fierce bitches. Consciously.
Are you with me?