The clan 1,000,000,000 years ago
I AM NEVER TIMELY WITH THESE THINGS. Apparently yesterday was “Sibling Day” — oops — off at least one day per usual. Who comes up with these official “days” I wonder? Dog Day. Sister Day. Cat Day — you name it — there is a day for it.
Here’s a photo of me and my siblings in our “prime.” We always say that to each other, sharing a chuckle. This is no plea to tell me we all look swell at our present age. We do. But there is nothing like youth, baby. And we enjoyed every bit of it.
But “prime” — prime is another whole matter.
When I look at this photo I think of all the effing work we have done on ourselves since then — and how — I’m gonna say it — awesome we have all become. I mean, it was not awesome for our two spectacular sisters, Renee, far left, and Dolores, kanoodling with brother John on right, to have left us. But that is what happened. I can tell you that they both grew into strong, independent, funny, fierce, smart-ass women who left us in their “prime” a zillion years after this photo was taken. I can tell you that the red head on bottom, Carolyn, grew into a powerhouse raising 3 kids on her own, taking the lead caring for our rapidly declining mother and now living a full life as a writer-yoga-lovin’ and — I don’t know what the fuck she is doing — but she is blissfully happy doing it, I can tell you that the sexy Veronica Lake look-alike, Pam, is running one of the most successful casting agencies in town, and the most caring, fierce woman I have had the good luck to have known, much less, be related to, I can tell you that my brother John has made all of us so proud — a man who now talks feelings — a man whose become the heart and soul of the clan — who’d a thunk — and that me, the dark haired saucy one leaning into Pam grew into all of her talents — no longer working day and night for da man — but for herself.
This, 36 years later, is what I call “prime.”
Happy Belated Siblings Day everyone!